An important statement regarding one our wholesalers:
UM Products, the manufacturers of the Bathmate, are to stop selling their product range to UPL Distribution.
UM products will cease its supply to UPL Distribution from today's date; August 1st 2012.
The UM Products management team have worked closely with UPL Distribution for a number of years.
Whilst the relationship started well, unfortunately, UPL has recently failed to meet reasonable standards with customer care - in dealing with Bathmate customers as well as its business ethics.
According to Carl Pallister, Director of UM Products - the manufacturer of Bathmate:
“UPL has recently caused many problems with its own Bathmate customers, leading to a number of complaints on the forums, associated with a lack of customer care & customers not receiving products, along with some other issues.
“As many people are aware, UPL used to work closely with us as one of our many distributors. However, this close relationship has soured of late, with UPL’s slow payment profile & outstanding balances.
“On a more serious note, we will also commence proceedings against UPL, linked to a breech in trading agreements & copyright issues with their attempt to launch a direct copy of one of the latest pumps that we’ve designed.”
Carl adds:
“Any of UPL’s customers who have ordered our world-beating top quality pump, need not panic.
“Orders will continue to be fulfilled by a new company, Health World Limited. We’ve been working hard negotiating with this new company, which has risen from within UPL & is under new management.
“Health World Limited will work closely with us to ensure smooth supply & fulfilment of customer orders.
“We are also looking forward to launching our latest new product, the fantasticHydromax.
“This new powerful pump will hit the market very soon & we’re confident that all Bathmate followers will love it.
“It’s packed with lots of new features & is obviously built to the highest standards at our own purpose built factory in Dewsbury, UK.
“Our inventor, John Oakes, has put this new pump - the Hydromax - through his usual extreme tests which go way beyond any normal usage.
“This means our Bathmate customers have the assurance that they’re getting the very best of the best, regarding assembly & material.
“Better yet, the new Hydromax has some fantastic new accessories to be launched later this year”.
Carl Pallister, Director of UM Products Ltd
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